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I have been going to I hate tattoos for over 5 years now Karena and her husband Steve are both great people and incredible artist! I started going to Karena after her being recommended by a friend and having an awful first tattoo, since then I have had 5 more tattoos now with over 20 hours of work done by Karena and haven't looked back! What I enjoy most apart from her work and company is that you can go to her with an idea/concept with a few rough references and she can make exactly what you want come to life. I have never had a chance unfortunately to have Steve tattoo me but I have been in shop while he has been, and he is just as amazing tattoo artist!! Both great people and know what they're talking about they've travelled the world together doing what they love and I would honestly recommend "I Hate Tattoos" to anyone who is looking to have a piece of art on their body.

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