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Just visited Happie Loves It and was really disappointed by the surly shop girl. I smiled at her as I entered only to get a cold, glaring look in return. I didn't think much of it and went to examine a very nice black skirt that I was contemplating buying. Ms. Surly came up after me and took it to the counter to inspect and fold it. I asked her if she had a bin and she pointed and snapped "outside." I said "excuse me?" only to be told "there are a lot of bins outside" and given the same glare I received on entering the shop. I am a huge fan of their clothing line and a long-standing customer but I really do not want to return to an establishment that treats customers like this for no reason. I am amazed this person has a job in this difficult job market and urge the owners of Happie Loves It to reconsider their hiring decisions.

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