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Some of the reasons why I choose to go to Japanese hairdressers are because in my experience, they have always been competent, polite and professional. I had been a regular customer at what I considered a real gem when I discovered Ticro. The stylist who used to cut my hair was Aya and one of the best I ever had, but unfortunately she returned to Japan. As she was no longer there, I decided to try another stylist and wrongly expected the same level of expertise. It was the most horrible experience, and not only because of the bad haircut itself but because of the way that I had been treated as a customer. I had shown the stylist a picture of what I wanted and was initially happy with the cut because he had curled the ends as a finish and thus hid the fact that it was a very blunt cut which was uneven and left one side longer than the other. I wrote to Ticro, and to give them credit, they offered to 'fix' my hair at no extra cost. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a one-off mistake and even allowed the same stylist the opportunity to redeem himself. On the day that Ticro was meant to 'fix' my hair, I walked into the salon and told two male members of staff at the front desk my name as I thought they were expecting me and knew the situation, but typically, there had been no communication. When I asked whether it was okay for them to fix my hair, they were rude in their manner and gave the impression that I should have known that I had to take my coat off first. When I saw the stylist who had ruined my hair, he looked slightly embarrassed, which I understood but I just wanted my hair fixed and to get out of there as soon as possible. One of the members of staff asked him, "Daijyobu?", which means "Are you alright?" and he said he was as if he was determined to put things right. He layered my hair as I had instructed and made sure the front parts were even. As the previous cut was so bad, it was relatively better even though I could tell that his technique was clumsy and lacked precision. The rest of the staff were very unprofessional, laughing and chatting away and basically doing everything that you wouldn't expect from a professional Japanese hair salon. As the cut looked relatively acceptable and I felt bad for making the stylist work for "free", I thanked him and even apologised just in case I was unclear of what I had wanted. After leaving, I sent Ticro an email to thank them. However, on returning home, my family noticed that there was hair sticking out from the left side and on closer look, it was again uneven. What was worse was that a chunk of hair had been cut from the back and the same pattern of unevenness persisted. I was frustrated and sent Ticro one last email with a picture to show them what had happened. Despite being a regular customer for months, they didn't even have the courtesy to reply. To be quite honest, I am not angry at the stylist himself because I think he tried his best despite being out of his depth. What I find unacceptable is that Ticro probably knew that he wouldn't be able to 'fix' my hair but let him make the same mistake twice. These people don't care what your hair looks like. All they care about is generating profit and using cheap amateur staff! If you read this Ticro, I want you to know one thing and that is, WATASHI WA DAIJYOBU JA NAI!! SAIYAKU!

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